- Jayashree to set up a follow up meeting during the week of May 31 for the SDC and Leidos teams to discuss SDC status and to continue discussion for OSS4ITS Reference implementation.
| | | 2021-05-19 Bi-weekly Status Meeting |
- Jayashree to set up a follow up meeting during the week of April 19th for the teams to review SDC status and continue further discussion for OSS4ITS Reference implementation work.
| | | 2021-04-07 Bi-weekly Status Meeting |
- Team to set up meeting with Taylor to discuss plans for CARMA, WZ project work, and address message translation
| | | 2020-07-31 Meeting notes |
- Come up with separate project roadmap to color code things that cannot be changed within the agile process and those that can. This will be in the format Ariel has previously used for SDC.
| | | 2019-09-09 OSS4ITS Kickoff Meeting |
- Sam needs a seperate meeting to talk about monthly reporting and backlogs
| | | 2019-09-09 OSS4ITS Kickoff Meeting |
- Sam and Sudhakar to discuss contract and timelines with Deb
| | | 2019-06-27 Meeting notes |
- Reviewing JIRA structure from SDC for Roadmap Items/Epics vs features
| | | 2019-06-27 Meeting notes |
- All the products should go through and create some lower level EPICs that could go into the Feature column
| | | 2019-05-16 Meeting notes |