2020-01-29 Meeting notes

2020-01-29 Meeting notes


Jan 29, 2020


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • Deborah Curtis

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Aaron Greenwood (Unlicensed)

  • John Stark

  • Sam Toma

  • Tony English

  • Tom Lusco



  • Discuss the project status and action items from previous meeting

Discussion topics







Action Items from last meeting


  • ODE Issue (#365 Intermittent Kafka bug) – Brandon was not able to reproduce this issue so this action item is OBE.

  • CARMA SET-IT diagrams – This action item is resolved. Sudhakar has updated the diagrams.

Status Updates

  • SET-IT issues have been resolved. We were able to update to latest version of SET-IT and were able to finish the layer 2 diagrams for V2X Hub and CARMA. There are no new updates for SET-IT.

  • We will set up a meeting with Tony to review these diagrams to compare the level of detail and how to integrate them together.

  • We need to also incorporate the Work Zone updates into V2X Hub, and Tony is available to discuss these updates and work with us.

  • New ITS JPO Webpage for OSS4ITS

    • Laura Dailey has it listed in the schedule for the communications team to work on these updates in February.

    • Deb mentioned that she reached out to Michelle Noch and we can sit down with Michelle and her team to discuss the location for the new OSS4ITS webpage and content. There is considerable interest on getting this webpage content ready as soon as possible. Deb said that it would be very valuable if we could also mention about the Work Zone data project, and why the OSS4ITS project is doing is important, and recommended that we should mention this on the landing page for OSS4ITS.

    • Tony agreed that it is a great initiative and it will convey an important message to the community. Until we get the content out on the new webpage, we will not updates from the community.

    • Sudhakar asked if we would be able to get the webpage content published before South by Southwest conference (March 20), it would be good. The content does not need to be the final version. Deb asked if we can get the draft content out to Michelle and her team (Mike Pina etc.) soon – maybe the content from OSS4ITS postcard, vision, mission etc. can be reused as it has been reviewed. We need to make this task our main focus.

    • Sam asked if we can use some content from the OSS4ITS Confluence page for the webpage. Confluence page is used for development is not approved content, so we will not be able to use it. Sam needs to provide his comments for the OSS4ITS presentation to Deb – he will work on it and reach out to Deb, and perhaps this presentation could be the initial content for the webpage.

We will reach out to Tony to discuss SET-IT updates and other items.

Action items

Jayashree to set up a meeting with Tony, Sudhakar and Anjan to discuss SET-IT layer 2 diagrams for V2X Hub, CARMA, SDC and ODE, and the level of detail covered by them, and integration of these diagrams into upper layer architecture.
V2X Hub team will reach out to Tony to discuss the latest Work Zone data updates and how to incorporate this into V2X Hub.
