2019-05-16 Meeting notes

2019-05-16 Meeting notes


May 16, 2019


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • @Tony English

  • Robert Fairchild

  • Tom Lusco

  • Vyach Mayorskiy

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Matt Schwartz

  • Sam Toma

  • Alexis Zubrow

  • Hamid Musavi



Discussion topics










Confluence Update


  • We received approval on 5/16 and began sending invites to people who need access.

    • Let Sudhakar know if you haven’t received an invite and need one.

Updates from Last Week

  • No changes to vision from last week.


Epics and feature map


  • Sudhakar received EPICs from Tony

    • We now have EPICs from all 4 product lines

    • Sudhakar has begun to map features but many of the EPICs need to be re-written to match the common format that we’re looking for

    • V2X Hub EPICs were structured like features, so there was a lot of overlap that will require adjustment

    • ODE has all EPICs in the spreadsheet.

      • Hamid has added thoughts about the features and is waiting on Tony’s input

  • Tony thinks that the EPIC should be at the higher level and that user stories should line up with features because its difficult to distinguish them in Jirra.

    • The model isn’t EPIC → Feature → User Story

      • They’re all blended together rather than being distinct pieces in Jirra.

  • Tony walked everyone through the hierarchy in the spreadsheet that explains how our backlog matches up with the national architecture.

    • Everyone has agreed to stop at the feature level within their own Jirra’s and then build out the EPICs separately

      • Each EPIC would include an EPIC, a feature, and a user story

    • How do we avoid confusion if multiple teams are working at the same requirement level?

    • How is this spreadsheet going to be useful for us?

      • It allows us to distinguish between situations where there is overlap and situations where the teams are complementary to each other

      • It can lead to a healthy discussion about how to handle overlapping requirements on a case-by-case basis as they’re not black and white

  • Data distribution system and data security are the two main areas where Sudhakar believes CARMA will have overlap

  • V2X Hub and ODE have overlap possibilities because of hosting data


Milestone Checkup


  • Sudhakar talked to Deb and the goal is to flush out the EPICs and Features by the end of the month.

  • We don’t have more milestone data available because we don’t have the contract yet.

Action items

All the products should go through and create some lower level EPICs that could go into the Feature column
Sudhakar to email Deb and Ariel about having a milestone of next meeting for completing the EPICs and Features
Each group to create some examples of overlap scenarios that could arise
All teams to finish updating spreadsheet with EPICs by 5/23
