2021-01-13 CDOT/FHWA/Leidos ODE Implementation Meeting notes

2021-01-13 CDOT/FHWA/Leidos ODE Implementation Meeting notes


Jan 13, 2021


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Deb Curtis

  • Ashley Nylen

  • Eva LaDow

  • Tony English

  • Animesh Balse

  • Anjan Rayamajhi

  • Dan Du

  • Abey Yoseph


  • Meeting with CDOT team to discuss their ODE implementation work and coordination with Leidos team’s projects

Discussion topics










CDOT Roadmap/Schedule Overview


  • Tony reviewed a few topics that are tightly coupled between the CDOT and V2X Hub projects. Recently CDOT submitted some PR’s to USDOT GitHub for support for modifying forwarding of BSM messages to RSU. They have built a UDP integration of RSU. CDOT team was able to directly leverage the UDP support, same Kafka topic for decoding (originally Booz Allen team had worked on this code), it was supported on OSS.

  • Leidos is using a Kafka topic of certifying the BSM, which is a slightly different process, but same technologies are being used. This worked fluidly between the two teams and has been a success.

  • Upcoming items for CDOT include implementation of ODE Docker images and Kubernetes. CDOT is using Google Cloud whereas Leidos is using AWS platform.

  • One of the questions is how to better document ODE codebase with multiple teams interacting and working together. Document that Tony has created shows that there are four or five PR’s already being worked on with CODOT team working together with Leidos. The SOP has been submitted and number of wikis have been built. The team is working on building it out together.

  • ODE currently has implemented Probe messages but these messages have not been tested and pushed out. Not a heavy lift but needs to be tested.

  • Work Zone data: In December, Tony worked on a project for work zone data. We can leverage this and RSM work and WZDx messages, as there is follow on work to tie everything together.

CDOT additional details from Ashley

  • Ashley wants to do some connectivity with signals but wants to be mindful of what needs to be done. There is priority for snowplows. They got confirmation to use MMITSS (Utah implementation) and are reviewing what Arizona has done. She is supportive of using OSS tools and contributing back to community. She is looking to expand to other vehicles like transit vehicles, and work zone vehicles etc.

  • Ashley’s team is also using Probe messages, need to integrate them into ASN.1 encoder/decoder is very important for the teams. There is no locked in time schedule at CDOT.

  • CODOT has received an AID grant from USDOT. They are hoping to build upon the MMITSS codebase. Need a follow up call for MMiTSS, AID and WZDx as well. MMiTSS has been a USDOT funded project for a long time.

  • CDOT has an autonomous truck mandate. Need to expand that to add variables and data from ADS. Need to do high level planning and vision. We can leverage some data etc. from CARMA. Tony and Brandon have cleaned up the CDOT data but they are interested in the CARMA data as well.

  • CDOT team has currently been pushing PR’s in ODE. Dan from Leidos team has been working on them.

    CDOT is interested in CARMA but is concentrating CV at this time.


Leidos V2X Hub/ ODE integration project overview + CARMA work


  • V2X Hub is another area of overlap, and is using the same ASN.1 encoder/decoding capability. New message sets are being added in V2X Hub. The same codebase will be needed in ODE and Ashley’s team will be working on it. CODOT is not yet in the stage of using V2X Hub, but will be needing 600 or so RSU’s later for signalized intersections, and need V2X Hub to work with signal controller, and also Spat, SRM, SSM etc. message support. There could be synergy there between the two teams.

  • With recent updates, we will get messages like MAP and Spat in V2X Hub. SRM and SSM are in requirement stages right now. TIM messaging has already been implemented. Icone data has not been implemented yet.

  • On CARMA project, Sudhakar mentioned that it is working out well with Larry’s team on preemption/priority and any synergies there can be explored further. The messages we are implementing are - MAP, SPaT, TIM, SRM, SSM, WZDX message, iCone data (can work with Ashley’s team), Probe message.

  • We need to take a step back to look at National Data Architecture. Tony is working with Jayashree to build out the architecture models. We are updating them for the latest version of SET-IT and there will be additional updates to the messages as we build the message sets. We can coordinate to integrate closely and tie in the work both teams are doing.


Plans for coordination


  • Tony can coordinate a discussion on when different pieces will be worked on by the two teams. Pulling together is what Leidos team is doing and Ashley’s team may need to do. How do we build out the pods, replicate IP’s, port forwarding, updating to a new version of Java etc., is very relevant. Leidos team needs to upgrade to Java 8 as well, since Java version is being deprecated in the continuous integration tool. We need to add this item to the backlog and prioritize it as high.

  • We are using daily standups to touch base on the PR’s, and we need to prioritize them. We can use Scrum of Scrums for any urgent PR’s to communicate the issues. Ashley can attend Scrum of Scrums meeting, as she is able. There are no real cadence for the releases because the projects have their own releases. ODE has release on demand. The teams should work together on releases.

  • Ashley mentioned that it would be helpful to create a simple document to illustrate the relationships and show division of work at the epic level for both Leidos and CDOT. This gives the management a level of comfort and we can track what is being implemented and not completed yet.

  • Ashley, Eva and Deb can work together on this. It would be great if we can perhaps do a PR announcement and tie this in with the AID grant or funding sources.

Action items

Create a document to illustrate the epic level relationships for CDOT and Leidos backlogs
