2021-04-21 Bi-weekly Status Meeting

2021-04-21 Bi-weekly Status Meeting


Apr 21, 2021


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Tony English

  • @Billy Chupp


  • Discuss project updates, action items and any coordination tasks

Discussion topics










V2X Hub/ODE updates


The team are currently working on Sprint 9 and following are some of the user stories in progress:

  • CARMA Streets responding to CMV arrival at the Staging area

  • Testing the transfer of SPaT message log files from V2X Hub to ODE

  • Updating the code for ASN.1 parser in ODE to recognize new RSM messages.

  • Replacing single Kafka topic consumer with multiple message types specific to consumers

  • Update WZDx data collection tool to use new RSM format

  • Architecture spike to investigate best way to incorporate TCM and RSM messages from V2X Hub side

  • System testing TCM and TCR messages with vehicles and OBU’s 

OSS4ITS Confluence page has been redone and we are reviewing the updates.

OSS4ITS social media about the new release of ODE has been shared with Public Affairs for review.


  • CDOT team integrated ODE software and moved it from Dev to Prod. There are 100 RSU’s deployed. Finishing up kubernetes and firewall rules updates.

  • WYDOT – Seeing 1.5 - 4million BSM’s processed per day, these are sent to SDC. Kinesis firehose connection – had a few issues for the public data access.


CARMA Updates


  • Currently the team is implementing Sprint 45 user stories and performing integration testing for the traffic management and weather use cases. After this will do be doing verification testing, followed by validation testing led by Volpe.

  • The team will be testing the move over laws where the emergency vehicle and CARMA vehicle will be side by side, CARMA vehicle will receive the message from the emergency vehicle and demonstrate vacating the lane next to the emergence vehicle.

  • For the weather use case, the vehicle will receive the message from the cloud about the weather incident like flooded lane, and use similar code to vacate the lane.

  • Hoping to finish verification testing by the end of next week, and demo at Summit Point WV on May 10. We will get a video to use for outreach purposes.

  • Next use case will be the basic travel. The demo for these use cases will be performed at ACM sometime end of May/early June timeframe.

  • Data Analytics update: The dev/test environment is up and running. Standing up production environment with the ECS team. Resources are being commissioned this week, hope to have testing next week with CARMA Cloud


SDC Updates


  • On their immediate roadmap, they are making backend updates for WAYZ data – robust pipelines to SDC.

  • Next there will be updates to process data export workflow and updates to portal updates.

  • Also working diligently to onboard FRA’s ASDS team, for them to do data processing and research. Nearing an MVP on that front. Analysts should have another data set to look at.

  • Working on deliverables for OSS4ITS and discovery activities for CARMA.

  • Leidos team members just got access to the SDC sandbox environment. Fahima needs to take a look at the SDC design for AWS cost calculators (cloud consumption monthly costs are set up, so she can replicate it on our side. Billy will look into this with Brandon and get back to us.


Other updates


SET-IT Updates

Jayashree just got all the issues fixed from the new update from SET-IT. The team needs to review the diagrams (and/or PDF’s) and let Tom know if there are any questions, before making any further updates.

SDC Quarterly meeting

This meeting may be held early May. We will have Billy on the review for OSS4ITS bullet points list that we are going to be providing to James Pol.

Action items

Set up a follow up meeting for all the teams to discuss SDC status and continue discussion for OSS4ITS Reference implementation (tentatively for next week after Billy checks on the progress of the SDC tasks with Brandon)
