2019-10-23 Meeting notes

2019-10-23 Meeting notes



Oct 23, 2019


  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Aaron Greenwood (Unlicensed)

  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Deborah.Curtis

  • @Tony English

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Jim Larkin

  • @John Stark


  • Address action items from last meeting.

  • Discuss current status and priorities for next 2 weeks.

Discussion topics






Action Items from last meeting


Action item #1: Tony has updated the ODE backlog. Sudhakar will work with Tony about a few more details on where it needs to be located.

Action item #2:   Sudhakar has asked Alex to work with Jim Bittner on the VISSIM license. We will close this action item.

Action item #3: Deb will discuss the project priorities with Taylor again. This action item will get carried over.

Action item #4: Team will be working on ARC-IT diagrams for CARMA3. Will have draft diagrams ready by next meeting.

Action item #5: Aaron sent out an email to Michelle. Sudhakar and Deb will connect offline for this. Deb would like to discuss with Michelle and Arielle where this site needs to be hosted.

Action item #6: Sudhakar, Jayashree and Tony had a meeting to review the progress. They have started working on ARC-IT draft diagrams and made good progress on V2X Hub, SDC and ODE.

Action item #7: SDC roadmap - At last meeting, we talked to Melissa and Vyach to do a presentation of SDC. Will take an action item to schedule a separate meeting for this presentation.


Current Status


Jayashree presented the draft ARC-IT diagrams for V2X Hub, and hopes to have draft layer 2 diagram completed by next meeting. She and Sudhakar will also work on getting the draft ARC-IT diagram ready for CARMA3.

Tony presented the draft ARC-IT diagrams for SDC and ODE respectively. He will have draft layer 2 diagrams completed by next meeting. He will also simplify and update the SDC diagrams and also the physical/functional spreadsheet to add current and partial requirements. He will update the model based on the spreadsheet.

Sudhakar mentioned that there is one ODE issue currently, and therefore there is no prioritization needed until the backlog has been imported. He also mentioned that he has sent an email to Brain to request XML dumps from Booz Allen.




Deb mentioned that we need to make getting CARMA architecture diagrams as a high priority. She mentioned that consistency is important for integration of all the 4 projects. Sudhakar has a good idea on what needs to be accomplished and he will discuss with Deb and Taylor.





Action items

  1. @Deborah.Curtis to get clarification from Walter about hosting at lab for the SDC team.

  2.  @@Deborah.Curtis to discuss project priorities with Taylor.

  3.  @Sudhakar Nallamothu to set up Jira and Confluence backlogs for ODE. Waiting to get XML dumps from Brian.

  4.  @Tony English to add project roadmaps for ODE and SDC on OSS4ITS confluence site.

  5.  Make OSS4ITS Confluence page more user friendly.

  6.  Set up separate meeting for SDC presentation + roadmap overview.

