2020-07-31 Meeting notes

2020-07-31 Meeting notes


Jul 31, 2020


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • Jayashree Iyengar

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Deb Curtis

  • Tony English


  • Go over V2X Hub-ODE integration backlog and discuss any questions

Discussion topics










ODE/V2X Hub Integration Backlog


  • The team reviewed and ranked the high and medium priority V2X-ODE backlog items with Deb. There are 17 items in the backlog, with initial prioritization, out of which 8 items are high priority.

  • Per Deb’s suggestion, these 8 high priority items were addressed so that a budget can be created. We need to note where we are going to be reusing or leveraging from other efforts to aid budget discussions.

  • Dockerization, security, and message support for SPaT and MAP are highest priority. WZDx message manager and RSM messages will likely need to wait for the mod/CARMA.

  • Sudhakar mentioned that CARMA 3 will not use RSM data exchange at this time, instead they will use a new message that will be proposed to SAE, and it is not a 3161 format. It is called a traffic control message.

  • The reason for the new traffic control message is that autonomous vehicles cannot use RSM and other messages, because the message needs to be in a map centric format that the vehicle can understand and it has lanelets. In V2X mapping, we referred to them as highway furniture?. Connected vehicles can use RSM messages, it depends on what they can do with it. If it is for informational purposes, then they can use it. The work being done in WZ project closely aligns. CARMA Cloud will convert into messages that vehicles can understand. We need to circle back with Taylor about this.

  • Tony and ICF team use a tool to upload any sort of message, next step will be a message that RSU can use, and then we can work on a message that CARMA uses, and look into CARMA Cloud translated version when automated vehicles can use these messages. Automated vehicles can use them for their sensors. The team will look at how these pieces fit into the integration backlog, and will talk to Taylor about the driving future these WZ project will facilitate. Getting V2X Hub to support WZDx is very important – need to build the piece for translation.

  • Communications team can work on the documentation communications piece of rebranding ODE as V2X Cloud and V2X Hub as V2X Edge concurrently.


  • There are also code changes, but it’s not high priority. We need to do ODE work first (backlog items 2, 5, 8), then V2X Hub plugins work which is 1 and 6. And once the OSS4ITS mod is executed, we can work on security part later down the line, and finally finish with cleanup. ODE pushing messages to V2X Hub should be the highest medium priority item. TIM message is one part, and Probe is another part. ODE not communicating to the RSU when a V2X Hub is present to avoid duplication of messages. Most of these backlog items are likely to be epics.

  • In the upcoming mod, we have estimated security, also looked at RSM, and reference implementation. We have to make sure that we are leveraging work done in other projects as well, and document that.

Action items

Team to set up meeting with Taylor to discuss plans for CARMA, WZ project work, and address message translation
