2021-08-25 Bi-weekly Meeting notes

2021-08-25 Bi-weekly Meeting notes


Aug 25, 2021


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Deborah.Curtis

  • @Tony English

  • Brandon Fitzpatrick

  • Brandon Payne


  • Discuss project status and coordination tasks among different projects

Discussion topics










V2X Hub/ODE updates


  • Leidos got the POP extension till end of the year for OSS4ITS. We will continue to work on this till end of the year.

  • The team will be wrapping up V2X Hub Sprint 15 next week. We finished performing the tests for OSS4ITS reference implementation, and tested all the interfaces between V2X Hub, ODE, CARMA Platform, CARMA Cloud and SDC.

  • The OSS4ITS reference implementation demo was conducted last Friday, 8/20. We were hoping to record the demo, but could not get live streams working because of the rain. Deb was on site and she was in the vehicle during the demo. Brian Cronin also saw the demo – the tasks for work zone creation and carma vehicle navigating the work zone area.  Brian was excited to see WZDC tool as part of the demo. It will provide so much flexibility to the deployers. The team will try to record the demo this week.

  • Demo Video - Check the video details with the communications team. Deb mentioned that we can circulate it with partners internally, and we don’t need it to be 508 compliant. Filming consumes too much budget. Please be mindful of the budget. There are 4 more months of development work currently approved. We will have live streams on the vehicle, and record it and show it on MS Teams meeting for our partners. The video will also be shared with OSS4ITS Scrum of Scrums group. Deb would also like us to share the video with Volpe (Nate) from Work Zone group.

  • Did Tony hear from ISS team on next specs?  We are getting through the final issues on ARM issues in V2X Hub. Paul is working on it, and then we will work on getting the hardware working and verifying this. Good to get some document for API to start writing some stories in the backlog. Security is the highest priority.

WYDOT/CDOT updates

  • Latest updates to ODE should be going out today.

  • The team is working on getting documentation back into ODE on how to run in a Kubernetes environment. Also would like to put together documentation flow to run in Kubernetes and republish back to GitHub so future deployers have info on building a scalable environment, in a Google Kubernetes GKE engine. Sizeable undertaking. Spent some time getting it together.

  • Also going to get security components for single board computer – meeting w/Sudhakar and team to get IEEE 1609.2 certificates, hardware security module, signing and verifying secure boot. (the work that Anjan put together) This could be used on vehicles, they should have a prototype board available soon for STOL team to test and tie it into ISS SCMS system.

  • Finished cutover from Neaera WZDC toolset into Leidos Azure cloud. Also updated from WZDX 3.0 to 3.1 spec, and Tony’s team is planning to turn it over to STOL team.


CARMA updates


  • CARMA Platform team is currently in Sprint 51. The team is performing the integration testing of work zones. The difference between the work zone scenarios in OSS4ITS reference implementation testing and CARMA is that, CARMA 3 has traffic signal controllers controlling traffic and the team is testing that interface. The setup will use traffic signal instead of LIDAR.

  • Currently doing full integration testing. Next couple of weeks the team will finish work zone verification testing. Also they will be going back to ACM to do validation testing for weather use case with Volpe.

  • CARMA Release 3.7.0 is available on Github. It has features like basic travel, platooning, speed advisory received from CARMA Cloud + vehicle obeying the speed limit and features for CARMA vehicle to receive a SPaT message.

  • The teams are also working on TSMO and CARMA Freight backlog items.


SDC updates


  • POAMs with security stuff

  • Also working with CARMA 3 on peering solution and Redshift work. Krishna is getting that done.

  • S3 peering work going on. Have new datasets from ARDS, SDC team is working with their team as they work on their ETL processes.

  • Leidos team (Paul and Andrew) should be able to access OSS4ITS data now. SDC team needs sign-off on UAT items and data agreement update – they are looking for how often or how much we will get data. Deb mentioned that the decision was pending because of this mod. (Any ingestion of data). We may not be doing any demos but will do additional development. JI – put that down for biweekly meeting discussion – data agreement and extension

  • At the SDC executive meeting and other meetings, they would like to see more participation. It may have been due to different reasons, they also need to find the right features/data sets to get features to give to the users. But they did have some participation and feedback. Better participation is how they improve the platform and features. They will plan to have another meeting in fall. Brian Kerr has asked for more info how we are working together with SDC team.

  • How is the Amazon Redshift working? SDC uses Redshift and they don’t have any problems connecting to it. Sudhakar is hearing that it is a fed ramp issue from the ECS team. It showed up a few weeks ago, and the service may not be fed ramp approved. Deb will check on this, it could perhaps be a misunderstanding with the ECS team. Sudhakar’s team submitted a ticket a couple of weeks ago, and the issue has been dragging on. AWS has redshift listed as fed ramp moderate.

  • New cybersecurity requirements are coming out. FHWA having to standup an office to federate these. Will it have any impact to SDC? The teams will need to look into this. This will be need to be done proactively.

Action items
