2019-12-04 Meeting notes

2019-12-04 Meeting notes


Dec 4, 2019


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Aaron Greenwood (Unlicensed)

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • John Stark

  • Sam Toma

  • Tony English

  • Jim Larkin

  • Tom Lusco


Discuss action items from last meeting and current status of OSS4ITS and other projects.

Discussion topics










Project Updates


  • Action item from last meeting is closed - Thanks to Sam for the SDC overview meeting.

  • Project SET-IT layer 2 diagrams:

    • Jayashree got the elevated rights to her machine today and will install latest version of SET-IT. She will review diagrams that Tony has sent.

    • Sudhakar mentioned that for CARMA project, the data flows are in flux and they are waiting for data elements to be fleshed out. Last meeting he showed the diagrams he has created, and they may need to get updated.

    • No updates on SDC and ODE diagrams from Tony. He has been working on the Workzone updates.

    • Sudhakar, Tony and Jayashree will have a working session to discuss how to integrate all the project diagrams.

    • They will reach out to Tom for any help with managing layer 2 diagrams.

      • Tom mentioned that most of the content already exists in ARC-IT, and usually there is no need to customize.

      • Also MS patches are coming out next Tuesday which will fix the problem that was caused earlier. Sudhakar has tried to uninstall those patches but got errors.

      • Once we start customizing the diagrams, we can go through SET-IT Help, training and/or Tom for any questions.

  • Sudhakar has not heard back from Brandon (TriHydro) about the logs he requested; he will send the email to Tony to follow up with Brandon. Issue was with the TIM topic which gets disconnected when ODE is restarted.

  • Tony is building some translator for Work Zone that can move data into different types of formats and he wanted to get more details. For e.g., if we can get to use Mobileye for CARMA. He is working on some CV software which does lane detection, among other features, and was wondering if we have tested this for CARMA (as it maybe useful going into work zone development). CARMA does not use Mobileye but uses cameras and have tested lanes, medians etc, but not much beyond that. John thinks this is outside of scope currently, but maybe useful in the future, and if we can get it converted to opendrive/more crowd source friendly software, it would be helpful. He suggested for Tony to look at opendrive 1.4 specs.

  • Aaron gave V2X Hub current status; and mentioned that when the team gets a demo ready for Pedestrian + Preemption with lights and sirens, they will share the details.

Action items

@Sudhakar Nallamothu to follow up with Tony/Brandon on obtaining logs for ODE issue.
@Sudhakar Nallamothu@Jayashree Iyengar and Tony English need set up a working session for integrating their respective SET-IT layer 2 diagrams.
