2019-07-11 Meeting notes

2019-07-11 Meeting notes


Jul 11, 2019


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • @Tony English

  • @Vyacheslav Mayorskiy

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Aaron Greenwood (Unlicensed)

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Deborah.Curtis



Discussion topics










Action Item Updates


  • Tony sent Aaron the schema they’re using for log files.

  • Sam and Sudhakar discussing timeline

    • Timelines are contingent on awarding of new task orders, but there is news now so there will be a better idea of what the timeline will need to be.

  • SDC publishing update

    • There was consensus among the group that previous architectures were not detailed enough to get us where we need to be.

      • The CARMA cloud architecture may be correct, but the teams need to dig further into it and discuss among themselves.

  • Moving Jira structure from SDC

    • Sudhakar has not had a chance yet.

General Discussion

  • New TOPRs

    • We need to ensure that what Tony is operating for the pilot in Wyoming is still up and running

    • Are there going to be changes that need to be made to ODE in order for it to fit into the new architecture being defined?

      • It’s likely all the components will need changes to ensure they fit together in this comprehensive system.

        • V2X Hub, CARMA, and ODE are probably the closest in their current form, but SDC is likely a little bit further.

        • How do we interface with SDC appropriately for what we’re trying to do without compromising the original design?

  • New Postcard

    • Deb and Sudhakar shared new OSS4ITS post card with the team.

Action items

@Sudhakar Nallamothu to reach out to Booz Allen, @Former user (Deleted) will facilitate the introduction.
Teams reviewing CARMA cloud architecture
@Sudhakar Nallamothu moving Jira structure from SDC to OSS4ITS
