2020-04-22 Meeting notes

2020-04-22 Meeting notes


Apr 22, 2020


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • Jayashree Iyengar

  • Tony English

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu


  • Discuss project status/updates and action item status

Discussion topics










ODE Issues


  • #371: Tony talked to Brandon and Shane. They are working on testing this issue now, but they haven’t verified that it’s working. They have built it out using speed limit instead of advisory.

  •  #372: They’ve identified a new issue that deals with Lat/Long values when encoding TIM messages. TIM encoding can be done with absolute GPS locations or relative. Sirius XM has been pushing for relative, because if is getting overloaded and wanted us to switch from absolute to relative to reduce message size. BAH integrated the relative capability into ODE, but it hasn’t been tested. Using relative values reduces the size of the TIM broadcast. It seems to accept the message at the JSON end point but is failing on the encoding step (sample located in the issue in git with the submission and error log). Not sure if the problem is with validation or encoding. We should be able to verify with the log files, and see how to get it operational. Tony will set up a meeting with Rick Smith to discuss.

  • #370: This issue is being addressed by Sudhakar. He needs to work with Tony and TriHydro team to define the new message that will be pushed via Kafka. Sudhakar has asked them to define the message and document it in the issue. Tony will check on this issue with Brandon.

Project Status

Architecture updates: OSS4ITS SET-IT architecture diagrams have been published on Confluence. We will wait to receive feedback from the team, and update the diagrams with their feedback. Hoping to do quarterly updates for the architecture diagrams.

Current/upcoming project integrations

  • V2X Hub and ODE Integration – Deb will be getting funding to get this work done and is working on the PR.

  • Work Zone + V2X Hub Integration - Tony provided an overview of work zone integration project that may be funded in the future. Majority of the solution is done for the vehicle and cloud. We can upload/download the files to the vehicle. The goal is to send the message from the cloud to the vehicle OBU. We can probably pull the file off via secure copy (SCP) or something. The Work Zone project is getting pretty close to where they may help from V2X Hub team; currently estimating to finish in next 2 sprints. The files are being broadcasted via the IP v6 stream, not RSM yet – the OBU will receive this file. The broadcast is in XML on the edge devices.

    • Can we use RSM message exchange through V2X Hub integration to solve work zone message issues? If the interface between back office and V2X Hub can be an XML string, there will be no need to encode. The binary message would be easier. We did not plan for the messages to be encoded/decoded in the cloud. The messages sent from CARMACloud will have to go through V2X Hub which will broadcast them to the vehicle. Is it possible to move from OSS to ASN.1 for encoding? Anjan has used it for TIM message.

    • Planning to do a work zone demo at TFHRC in July – this timeframe is not decided yet. Also waiting for the mod to come in for OSS4ITS.


Action items


Tony to set up a meeting with Rick Smith to discuss ODE issue #372 and follow up on #370.
