2020-06-17 Meeting notes

2020-06-17 Meeting notes


Jun 17, 2020


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • Tony English

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Jayashree Iyengar


  • Discuss action items and project status

Discussion topics










Project Status


  • ODE:

    • Issue #370:  Dan, Tony, Mae, and Jayashree had meeting to discuss the issue, and Dan is working on it.          

      When the HSM module signs TIM message, does it modify the duration of the TIM message?

      Yes, it signs with a 4 hour certificate. In the new implementation the certificate lengths are variable.

      It does not do anything with the payload, signature time is what was requested or expiration time of HSM if that is shorter time than requested.

    • There is a call in ODE for signature, and Brandon has sent the link to general area. Only calls we need to make to HSM is to sign the TIM message.  We may need to reach to ISS to find out what the values are for these certificates. HSM is not passing time back. Tony can set up a meeting with ISS if needed.

      The first part of the issue is the time we want TIM messages to be valid and this is resolved, and this part should get sent out for testing. Dan will submit a PR.

    • Tony mentioned that an additional new issue is being submitted in ODE. SDC is looking at moving from AWS public cloud to ECS government cloud. There is a new requirement that static keys are no longer allowed. It will require writing a dynamic key which will involve reaching out to AWS. Tony is writing an issue for ODE to issue a dynamic key, and he will provide a script in Python to get a token to AWS public cloud. It will renew for an hour.

  • CARMA:

    • We tried to install CARMA Platform on trucks this week and were not successful. There were network issues.

    • We got contract mod to start CARMA implementation for Data Lake. We will be using ECS. The requirement is to provide a cloud agnostic solution, and we are looking at different solutions. Tony can share the solution they had for SDC which is using Hadoop, and he can discuss with Sudhakar.

    • ACE demo has been postponed to November.

    • CARMA is getting close to having an official release with core capabilities.


  • We are waiting for the mod for the reference implementation work to come through, and also the funding for V2X Hub and ODE integration.


  • Work Zone demo: Tony mentioned that the work zone onsite demo is no longer happening at Turner-Fairbank. We can close out the action item for July 6 testing because the lab will be closed.

Architecture Diagrams

Architecture diagram updates:

Sudhakar has found issues with the flows – the definition does not seem to be correct, for e.g., the DSRC message had encryption turned on, etc. Jayashree fixed CARMA issues in layer 2 and generated layer 1 diagrams again. Sudhakar is reviewing the diagrams from bottom up. When we finish the layer 2 changes, Tony will do a final review of layer 2 for SDC and ODE, and then we can generate the layer 1 and layer 0 diagrams.

V2X Hub - ODE integration is waiting for a contract mod, but other items like TSMO and CARMA Freight can be integrated now. Once we are done documenting all the as-is functionalities in the architecture diagrams, we will need to do a to-be updates for CARMA, and Freight and TSMO work.

SDC is moving to ECS government cloud is the biggest change. It’s still in flux. This should be toward the end of the year around October-November timeframe. In SDC, the data pushing to pulling behaviors may change, which will require updates to data flows. We are not allowed to directly communicate to AWS in ECS.

Action items
