2020-07-01 Meeting notes

2020-07-01 Meeting notes


Jul 1, 2020


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • Deb Curtis

  • Jayashree Iyengar

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • John Stark

  • Tony English

  • Tom Lusco


  • Discuss current status and action items for all projects.

Discussion topics










Status Updates


  • SET-IT diagram updates:

    • Sudhakar, Jayashree and Tony have been working on updating SET-IT diagrams. Tony updated SDC layer 1 and layer 2 diagrams. The way he had copied the existing set of flows caused an issue in the SDC layer 2 diagram – Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V works, but holding Ctrl and dragging does not work. He removed the copied flows and manually recreated them and it worked much better.

  • ODE + V2X Hub Merge:

    • Once the team finishes all the as-is updates to the diagrams, we have to start looking at upcoming merge of V2X Hub and ODE next. Deb wants the team to look at how ODE functionality will be merged into V2X Hub and other applications, and also how to deprecate it as a separate project. We are ready to do that.

    • ODE is basically V2X Hub cloud and V2X Hub is the field. We have to look at ODE which is a lot of different pieces, and need to figure out if any piece needs to be deprecated. We should find a way to tie the products together - possibly add a node in V2X Hub for Apache Kafka. For all modules, like privacy protection, ASN.1, AWS depositor – it is nice flexibility to pull from Kafka topics and push to different systems to build out by firehose. Traditional ODE ties it together.

    • It would be nice if there were standard Docker images that could be used, and our team is working on them. The tricky part is that ASN.1 is a licenses module from SAE that owns ASN.1 definition and that makes it a bit hard to implement, and it is fairly expensive. If we buy it as a bundle it costs $400/$500 on top of the standard $200, and we need that definition, in order to make any encoder work. We need to buy one for an implementation, for e.g., ODE. Every implementer of ODE has run into this problem.

    • If Tony or someone in the team to write up a paragraph about proprietary SAE standards in Docker implementation for ODE/V2X Hub, and Deb will check with SAE and maybe we can come to an agreement, since it is problem with all our open source products.

    • Sudhakar will develop a backlog for ODE implementation into V2X Hub. It will include anything that needs to be done to ODE, V2X Hub, and any issues we’re taking on to support Wyoming’s use of ODE. We will add items to support the security piece for ODE. The next step will be to get a backlog ready for Deb to prioritize.

  • ODE Open issues:

    • New enhancement #12 – Tony has sent us the env file and the python code. Dan is working on this issue.

    • Issue #370: We discussed at last meeting. The issue been split into 2 parts – signing the TIM for the desired duration which is done, and there was an issue with CICD flow and the PR could not be approved. Once we release the PR, we will reach back to Tony. Second part is ISS validity, which we need to work with them to resolve. We need to get the period of validity from ISS. Tony can check with ISS and arrange a call with them.


  • Thomas has not heard back from JPO on the one aggregated post he sent out for OSS4ITS. He will follow up with their contractor.

  • Booz Allen and Nobilis are interested in figuring out a defined way for all projects and work towards OSS4ITS goal. Maybe we can do use case stories of these applications were leveraged. ITS JPO newsletter has something like this. Thomas will work on this. The best thing we can do is to share the architecture diagrams so people can use them for their implementations, and understand that we are developing tools to meet their needs.




The PR for additional year was released to contracts on 6/9.

Action items

Tony and team to write up explanation of SAE standards blocking open source release for Deb so she can revisit a license agreement.
Team to develop a backlog for ODE implementation into V2X Hub.
Tony to arrange conversations with ISS about ODE validation issue.
