2021-05-19 Bi-weekly Status Meeting

2021-05-19 Bi-weekly Status Meeting


May 19, 2021


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Deborah.Curtis @Billy Chupp

  • @Tony English

  • Brandon Fitzpatrick

  • Brandon Payne


  • Discuss status updates, action items and any coordination tasks

Discussion topics











V2X Hub/ODE updates

The team completed Sprint 10 on 5/18 with 16 story points completed. Following are some of the user stories completed:

  • CARMA Streets responding to CMV arrival at the Staging area

  • Updating SPaT plugin to match the header as per ODE requirements

  • Updating the code for ASN.1 parser in ODE to recognize new MAP messages.

  • Updating CircleCI with step to build and push Docker images on commit

  • System testing TCM and TCR messages with vehicles and OBU’s 

Started working on Sprint 11 on 5/19 with 18 user stories planned, some of these are:

  • Spike to create a plan to integrate security with V2X Hub

  • Testing the transfer of SPaT log files from V2X Hub to ODE

  • Update the log scheduling code in V2X Hub for MAP message real-time format

  • Implement code to support MAP messages in ODE

  • Set up for release testing for V2X Hub repo

WYDOT/CDOT updates

  • CDOT team integrated ODE software will be deployed to prod next week or week after. Kubernetes is set up.

  • Tony can help coordinate testing with Java updates testing. Dan is updating the ODE code from Java v8 to v11 currently. 

  • The team have also been working with the CAVSS team (Animesh) to push data to the Danlaw OBU’s.


CARMA updates


  • Currently the CARMA team is performing validation testing at Summit Point and TFHRC.

  • The teams are also working on other CARMA streams – TSM, CARMA Streets, and Freeways etc. Jayashree is coordinating the work for CARMA Streets.

  • The CARMA team was in Detroit for testing out the HD maps that went well.

  • The testing may be moving to ACM for the use cases. There has been a shift in strategy. The team may be doing this testing mid-summer timeframe at 1 test bed.

  • Data updates – Prod environment is up and running. The Leidos team worked with ACS team on transferring the data from dev/test environment. Now the data analysts can start working on this data.

  • The team is also working on Basic Travel and platooning use cases. Will be doing integration/verification of platooning at ACM and OSS4ITS testing at TFHRC at around the same time.


SDC updates


  • SDC and OSS4ITS teams will discuss about the connection details next week. SDC will have the prod connection ready, so we do not need to use dev environment.

  • The emphasis is to similarly leverage this work for end points for proof of concept for data providers to demo this in SDC.

  • Participating with highway safety (if the platform can accommodate this).

  • Documentation updates – getting ready to go to prod. This expands on Gitlab features – we can do data documentation, wiki pages, and can easily navigate to view projects and data. There are added functions to notify users about documentation updates.

  • Next user features – working on the export functionality and implementing user function improvements. Using data hub, and using Socrada feature with SDC.




Jayashree is working with Andrew to review the as-is updated diagrams and will let Tom know if there are any questions, before making any further updates.




Deb let us know that Justin Anderson is looking for people to be on the mapping task force. We may suggest Animesh to be on this task force.

Action items

Jayashree to set up a follow up meeting during the week of May 31 for the SDC and Leidos teams to discuss SDC status and to continue discussion for OSS4ITS Reference implementation.
