2019-06-27 Meeting notes

2019-06-27 Meeting notes


Jun 27, 2019


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • @Tony English

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • Robert Fairchild

  • Tom Lusco

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Aaron Greenwood (Unlicensed)

  • @Vyacheslav Mayorskiy



Discussion topics










Backlog Update


  • Tony provided SDC backlogs

    • Sudhakar to read through

  • Sudhakar and Sam reviewed deliverables roadmap

V2X Hub Backlog

  • V2X Hub

    • 4 Plugins and operations and maintenance are the Epics

    • Priority Preemption

      • Signal request message decoding

      • Tracking vehicles over lanes coming from map messages

      • Setting and unsetting pre-emption status via NTCIP 1202

    • Pedestrian crossing

      • Taking latitude/longitude heading from a stream, repackaging as PSMs and then turn them into proxy PSMs

      • Receiving PSMs from RSUs

    • Work Zones

      • Broadcast scheduled map messages from field equipment

      • Potentially map message problem alarms

    • Performance measures

      • Logging decoded BSMs

      • Logging SPaT

      • Converting time-binned BSMs to trajectories

      • Computing performance measures in near real time

    • Operations and Maintenance

      • Updating dependence and dockerizing

    • Thoughts

      • WYDOT is doing some BSM packaging work that could be applicable to V2X Hub

        • Is those cases logging and performance measures were based on a specific use, whereas V2X Hub will be much more over-arching

        • V2X Hub needs to know what WYDOT is streaming to ensure consistent BSM packaging

        • There is a potential to take these formats and use them to create a BSM packaging standard for ITS JPO



SDC Backlog


  • Enablement and DevOps as high level organization

    • Broken up by quarter

  • Epics are called roadmap items, each roadmap item has many features mapped to it. User stories are the final level under features.

  • One view is designed to only show SDC activities and one shows how projects overlap with one another based on different organizations



CARMA backlog


  • The CARMA roadmap currently only includes CARMA platform. As the use-cases come in, CARMA Cloud will be added to the roadmap.

  • July is the target date for presenting a re-organized CARMA backlog


Product roadmap update


  • Updates are pending changes to the contract

    • Once those are available, timelines will be updated

  • Discussions will continue on how to standardize and centralize documentation across the 4 projects

    • We are also investigating linking the backlogs to a unified site

    • Deb believes that linking is fine, but the central site needs to be the repository in order to facilitate consistency

    • It will be left up to the teams to decide what the most effectively sharing method for final documents will be, rather that looks more like Confluence or GitHub

      • We need to start consolidating the things that community of practice members are trying to find relating to the project

        • We need a single point of access for the community or they get confused.

Action items

@Tony English to share WYDOT documentation on BSM packaging with @Aaron Greenwood (Unlicensed)
Think about platform to share documentation across projects
Discuss common terminology and formatting
Sam and Sudhakar to discuss contract and timelines with Deb
Develop architecture for all four projects and drop it into the OSS4ITS confluence before July 11th
Reviewing JIRA structure from SDC for Roadmap Items/Epics vs features
Everyone provide a response on either how to handle documentation, or that they do not have an idea
