2019-05-02 Meeting notes

2019-05-02 Meeting notes


May 2, 2019


  • Deborah Curtis

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Aaron Greenwood

  • Robert Fairchild

  • Hamid Musavi

  • Vyach Mayorskiy

  • Sam Toma

  • Tim Lambert

  • Alexis Zubrow

  • Thomas Bayhi



Discussion topics










OSS4ITS Mission Statement

Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • OSS4ITS Vision Statement

    • There are changes to OSS4ITS and there will need to be some CAVE changes to reflect that.

    • It should be the same mission statement that was agreed upon for OSS4ITS

    • Sam shared the mission statement

      • They should be more in line with each other, but they don’t need to be exactly the same.

      • The goal is to be forward thinking and reflect the future of the group as well as the present.

      • General consensus is that the OSS4ITS mission sounds good as a replacement for the CAVE one.

        • Aaron suggested adding fleet operators as a stakeholder group for the mission statement.

          • Sam is going to think about it and figure out how to implement fleet operators

    • OSS4ITS will be the new name for CAVE

Review the Backlog

Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Backlogs seen

    • ODE

    • CARMA

    • V2X Hub

    • Backlogs are the Epic level

      • We are not sure where we will bring in the feature level. As we start getting Epics together, it will clarify how things should be distributed.

        • Discussing bringing the feature level into the unified backlog.

          • If we do include the feature level in the unified backlog, it gives teams the capability to go off and do their own things for ~3 months at a time.

          • The spreadsheet has the current implementations and future plans which allows us to level-set going forward based on what people have done and to avoid duplicating efforts.

          • We need to use both the Epics and the features for the roadmap

            • If the Epics are very high level, then we need features to figure out implementation, but if the Epics are detailed we might not need the features.

            • It’s possible that without features, the information we have is too generic and we can’t have a discussion at the requirement level.

  • Waiting on backlogs

    • SDC

      • They have a backlog but it is in a different format and needs to be entered into the spreadsheet still.

  • Backlog due date is 5/9/19


OSS4ITS Component Functional Coverage

Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • ODE and V2X Hub are flushing out features.

  • We need to add a tab for each product to the spreadsheet with a list of Epics

    • It doesn’t provide a mapping to the requirements, but if we end up with multiple epics for the same requirement, it would be helpful to see them by product first for reconciliation.

  • The next step is to define the features.

    • We need to add a column for feature definitions that people can fill out.

      • Due date 5/14/19

  • The goal is to have a unified backlog by 5/20/19 and a roadmap by the end of May.

    • USDOT is asking for a good start on this so that we can show progress in the near term.

  • Confluence update

    • Sudhakar is still working on getting an open-source license for OSS4ITS use.

      • Sudhakar anticipates having an open-source license by next week.



Action Items

  • Vyach Mayorskiy translation of SDC backlogs into common format due by 5/9/2019

  • All teams should have ARC-IT functional requirement epic mapping completed by 5/14/19

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu to continue investigating open-source confluence licence and provide updates to Deb, Taylor, Ariel, and Volpe team.




  • OSS4ITS will be the new brand for the CAVE group

  • We will go down to the feature level in the unified physical view spreadsheet.

Action items
