2019-11-06 Meeting notes

2019-11-06 Meeting notes


Nov 6, 2019


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @John Stark

  • @Tony English

  • @Deborah.Curtis

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Tom Lusko


  • Discuss the status of items from last meeting, current status, and next steps.

Discussion topics










Action Items from last meeting


Action Item #1: VISSIM license for SDC team - This item is resolved and closed.

Action Item #2: Deb had a talk with Taylor to make sure that CARMA is in alignment with other projects, like V2X Hub, etc., and discussed interoperability among the various projects. They specifically talked about the TSMO Work Zone Management scenarios first, since those are the priority currently. They are looking into how to align these projects, and will also incorporate/align the work that we are performing currently with ODE and SDC etc. Deb mentioned that we are expanding the CAV support services page on DOT website to showcase all these projects.  

Action Item #3: Sudhakar was able to get XML dumps from Brian, and with Altassian help is able to get ODE Confluence up and running; and it is now accessible from OSS4ITS. Tony alerted Sudhakar that he may need to reconfigure the users for ODE Confluencee site- Sudhakar is aware of this issue and will work on it. Sudhakar also imported the ODE backlog from old Jira site. He mentioned that most of the backlog items are obsolete, and he will review the backlog with Deb to close some of these items.

Action Item #4: Tony has updated the links for ODE and SDC on OSS4ITS Confluence site. This is item is closed.

Action Item #5: Sudhakar has updated the OSS4ITS Confluence site to add vision and approach etc. He will work with Thomas to make more improvements to the site to make it more user-friendly.

Action Item #6: Sam will follow up with SDC team on the specifics of the presentation and overview they would be giving to the team.




  • Jayashree has been working on updates to V2X Hub diagrams, and has added Work Zone package, and will need to tailor it further with regards to messaging.

Tony finished the first draft of SDC and ODE diagrams. He would like to find out a plan for tying in the diagrams for V2X Hub and CARMA. He mentioned that Tom Lasco will help us with integrating the diagrams for layer 1 and 0, once we have a single comprehensive SET-IT diagram for layer 2. The DB structures will be pulled in to higher layers, but the graphics cannot be retained.

Sudhakar has started to put together layer 2 diagrams for CARMA, and has 8 packages incorporated so far. He and Jayashree will need to install new version of SET-IT, as they were not able to review Tony’s diagrams which were built using the latest version. They will share their diagrams with Tony.

Tony also mentioned that he would like to have a discussion about the CARMA and V2X Hub projects to put together all the pieces. He suggested the team to leverage the CAMP tool for our project work. As we build out higher level models, we need to identify more specific SET-IT tools. The CAMP tool can provide data mining for the variety of data that vehicles have. John and Sudhakar liked the ideas about CAMP tool and capabilities it has to offer, but mentioned that CARMA vehicles are not that developed as of yet, and getting crowd source data is beyond the current capabilities of the application currently. Tony will discuss his ideas offline with them.

Sudhakar mentioned that Jayashree is currently working on the requirements for CARMA Platform, and CARMA Cloud for the TSMO scenarios - this will help to screen out common requirements so we do not duplicate our efforts for the projects.

Deb mentioned that we may all need a face-to-face meeting, so we can discuss the resources for various projects  and how to leverage them, as we move further into the projects.

Sudhakar mentioned that he has sent email to Jay Parikh and Todd requesting a workshop for Work Zone data, and Deb mentioned that they are reaching out to the right people to set this up. She thanked Tom for providing help with SET-IT, and hopes that these diagrams will provide the deployers enough information in their efforts.



Next Steps

Deb, Sudhakar

Continue to make progress on the SET-IT diagrams for the 4 projects and work towards integrating them together.

Action items

Discuss resources for all projects and how to leverage them
Sam will follow up with the SDC team about the overview/presentation specifics.
Sudhakar to work with Thomas on making OSS4ITS site more user-friendly.

