2020-12-16 Meeting notes

2020-12-16 Meeting notes


Dec 16, 2020


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Deb Curtis

  • Tony English

  • Brandon Payne

  • Billy Chupp

  • Thomas Bayhi


  • Discuss project updates and any updates since last meeting

Discussion topics










V2X Hub updates


  • The team completed Sprint 2 and Sprint 3 is currently in progress. Three user stories were partially completed in Sprint 2 and are being addressed in Sprint 3 (Implement log scheduling in V2X Hub for BSM messages, Update ODE to accept the log messages from V2X Hub for BSM messages and testing RSU behavior for the Message Certification tool. We are also investigating setting up an AWS development environment for V2X Hub and ODE in this sprint.

CARMA 3 updates

  • Just released v3.4.0. This release has the functionality for FMCSA’s ACE demo, and has implementation for the scenarios that are going to be demo’d for e.g., sensor failures, LIDAR or GPS failures, health status, CAN Bus, whether truck is in automated mode etc. One of the scenarios that will be demo’d for the prototype will do the drive by inspection of the truck where the inspector will ask for the logs.  The validation testing is happening this week.

  • The next couple of sprints the CARMA core release will address TSMO scenarios.

  • CARMA Analytics work is under implementation. Next month or so we will be collecting data to demo proof of concept for analytics.

  • Working on CARMA Streets tool.

  • ROS2 will be addressed in a future release. It will be first available in April. It is Kinetic? now, and the complete ROS2 porting will be done end of the year.


ODE updates - CODOT


  • Tony mentioned that CODOT has been doing lot of updates and they are looking to implement ODE as well. Brandon Payne will be the Scrum Master for CODOT project. Some of the work that CODOT is doing are SSM, SRM, snowplows, NTCIP messages and looking at the UDP interface. There is not much overlap between Deb’s work and Ashley’s work with CODOT but it will be a perfect environment to figure out the synergies. Tony and Brandon are figuring out the best way to do integration with snowplows and signalized intersection, WZDx, and these may overlap with the work we are doing on V2X Hub/ODE integration. They are working with Larry on priority use cases and will bring on SRM use case work (MITZ? platform extension). There is huge synergy with the work we are all doing.

  • Brandon proposed for CODOT to clone the repos in their GIT environment and pull requests to a higher level of GitHub environment. Also, need to figure out the best approach for the teams to collaborate together to implement these PRs. Sudhakar agrees that the key would be to sync our roadmaps and understand the needs for each project. Deb agrees as well. This is what the OSS4ITS project was designed to do.

  • Tony is competing for a similar project in Florida State. We can do more work as an open source community, which will be good.

  • Could consider inviting the Noblis team; they are lookng at misbehavior testing.




Not much updates currently. Looking for first quarterly review in January. Need to start organizing the backlogs and integrate the data from cloud to SDC.


SET-IT updates


The team is reviewing the updates to SET-IT and comparing the as-is diagrams that were converted from old version to the new version of SET-IT to address any conversion issues.

Action items

Set up a meeting with CODOT in January to understand their roadmap and plans for ODE implementation work. Include the division office so they know what we are working on.
