2020-03-25 Meeting notes

2020-03-25 Meeting notes


Mar 25, 2020


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • Deborah Curtis

  • Jayashree Iyengar

  • Aaron Greenwood

  • Billy Chupp

  • John Stark

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Tony English


  • Discuss project status, action items and any updates

Discussion topics










Action items/Updates from previous meeting


  • There were 3 action items from last meeting, out of which two have been addressed (Contract mods + meeting with CARMA team).

  • Action Item 3- How to make SDC more tightly coupled for use by state and local DOTs:

  • We do need to bring SDC more closely aligned, but that will likely be accomplished as part of the CARMA data analytics project. We need to ensure we’re as tightly coupled with that effort as possible.

  • The SDC team is focused on operationalizing the USDOT version of the program. The more generic version is further down the road. If we can integrate with the CARMA data analytics, it should cover both the generic implementation and a research specific application.

  • We can tie the research implementation into the cloud and also provide access to early adopter universities that are providing data for research purposes.

Contract mods – Deb has been working on it. She has modified the TOPR to add a few tasks to bring V2X hub development support for the workforce data exchange under this TO and one for the reference implementation. She has sent that onto Ariel last Friday and has not heard back yet. She will find out from her this Friday. The language in the existing task order should be flexible enough to allow for a pivot to decompose the projects into functions and rebuild into an integrated code.

Deb has not heard from Michelle Noch on the OSS4ITS webpage updates yet, she will follow up with her again. Or Thomas can reach out directly to her.

ODE current issues

  • #369: RSU depositor module - Currently being worked on by Sudhakar. Anything sent through ODE is sent to RSU and then to Wyoming. When there’s too many TIMs, they aren’t able to process them during the pulling period that downstream consumers have. Trihydro asked to enhance the part of the code that sends data to RSUs so they don’t get bogged down.

#370: signature validity and 371: New TIM content support - Tony said 370 and 371 were previous fixed by Booz Allen. On the repository site the case was still open. Trihydro reached out to see if it was still open, Tony researched and found that it was actually closed. Since it wasn’t closed in GitHub it wasn’t tested, but TriHydro team is integration testing now. Once Sudhakar adds the code for enhancement #369, they will integration test that as well.


SET-IT diagrams and Other updates


  • The team have corrected the layer 2 issues and built two higher layer 1 and 0 diagrams, which they sent to Tony and Tom for review. We are waiting for feedback from them to address any other issues.

    • V2X Hub 5.0 release update:  Animesh finished testing for ARM version, AMD version in progress.

Deb asked the team to inform her of any delays within the PoP as soon as we find out, and she will work with Randy to make accommodations to the deliverables. If we need to get any equipment or any testing done at campus, then we have to reach out to Taylor and Brian Cronin to Kelly Regal. Aberdeen test center is open since it is considered essential.

Action items

Thomas to follow up with Michelle Noch about web content and copy team.
Deb to bring up addition tasks to Ariel this week.
Tony and Tom to share diagram feedback with Jayashree.
