2021-02-24 Bi-Weekly Status Meeting notes

2021-02-24 Bi-Weekly Status Meeting notes


Feb 26, 2021


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Tony English

  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • Billy Chupp

  • Brandon Payne


  • Discuss project updates, action items and coordination tasks

Discussion topics










V2X Hub/ODE Integration backlog Updates


  • The team completed Sprint 6 on Feb 23, and started Sprint 7. There were 24 user story points completed in Sprint 6 that included:

    • Implemented log scheduling in V2X Hub for SPaT messages

    • Updated ODE to accept the log messages from V2X Hub for SPaT messages,

    • Reporting and debugging for the Message Certification tool and

    • Architecture spike for the solution implementation for WZDx messages

CARMA updates

  • Currently in sprint 42 doing verification testing for CARMA core release. Adding ADS feature for use case demos.

  • Next month we will perform validation testing for CARMA core and use case for Tim and weather. We can send messages from CARMA cloud and vehicles and control messages can be sent and received. We have tested velocities of 45 mph doing speed testing at Summit Point.

  • On target for release next month (Vanden Plas).


CARMA Analytics updates


  • Finished implementation for Dev/Test environment. Working with ECS team. Currently have a problem with the EC2 instances. Any ECS users need access to Z accounts (privileged). Security has not been hesitant to open up access to EC2 instances from network. The reason is because how SDC is set up the users cannot go directly.

  • No users will be accessing EC2 but using RDP into EC2. Have to figure out how to provide access to users outside of DOT. They removed guacamole interface but now it may be needed again. Security team’s concern was 2-factor authentication. We don’t have non-DOT users, and we are talking to them. The new team may not be that familiar.

  • Previously Cognos, AWS and ADFS was there to control the access groups and it is very difficult to get it right. Bring this up to Taylor to check. We may need to implement guacamole. And also may be useful to explore other possibilities. We may create a user group and redirect to CARMA analytics.


WYDOT/CDOT updates


  • Got ODE working on Google cloud platform. Deployed to Kubernetes highly scalable platform, getting tied to common terraform scripts.

  • Integrated TIM messages into ODE last sprint. A PR was submitted today for review integrating TIM metadata. Looking into SPaT, MAP de-duplication.

  • Working on SET-IT model for SDC for CDOT implementation. Ashley has asked to put together a message flow.


SDC updates


  • Invite Brandon from the enablement team for the Scrum of Scrums meeting going forward.

  • Leidos team needs a dev/test environment to connect in to SDC. We will need this to demo the work that all the applications under the OSS4ITS umbrella for the reference implementation. Any of the data we have like the BSM, SPaT, TIM if it shows up in SDC, will fulfil the requirement for the reference implementation.

  • Need to assign an endpoint ingest to CARMA project. Could perhaps even use ODE. Need to set up a new firehose destination URI. ODE has already set this up with TIM and BSM. We will need to set up a separate discovery meeting to discuss this with Brandon and the SDC team. Jayashree will work with Tony to write up a requirement to send to Billy and we can discuss at the discovery meeting.

  • We can also set up representative analysts to do analysis from SDC side for the reference implementation demo.


SET-IT Release 9.0


Jayashree has sent out issues that she found when updating the as-is diagrams to Tom. There are lots of extra p-object triple mappings that we will need to clean up. Iteris is adding a feature to help the user clean up those mappings. Tom’s team is working on the next release of SET-IT, and will look into resolving these issues in the upcoming week.

Action items

Jayashree to set up a discovery meeting with the SDC team. Coordinate with Tony on the requirements.
