2019-04-04 Meeting notes

2019-04-04 Meeting notes


Apr 4, 2019


  • Sudhakar Nollamothu

  • Hamid Musavi

  • Tony English

  • Alexis Zubrow

  • Sam Toma

  • Melissa Rowland

  • Bala Iyer

  • Tim Limbert

  • Robert Rittmuller

  • Aaron Greenwood



Discussion topics











Sudhakar and Aaron

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu working on the Confluence site for Scrum of Scrums, sent the open source project application to Atlassian for CARMA and waiting for the approval which is expected to be a two week turnaround. Will host the Scrum of Scrums site there once this is approved.

  • SDC team working on functional coverage of ARC-IT processes. Melissa will send an update as soon as she is done updating them online using the Confluence tool.

  • Epics - teams can work on the epics for the Scrum of Scrum backlog during next two weeks while waiting for the confluence site up. Hamid added a Epic column to the process spreadsheet that is available on Confluence at https://usdotjpoode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ODTD/pages/634486937/CAVE+Component+Functional+Coverage+-

  • SDC team reported that their roadmap meeting will be held in two weeks. So, they may not have all of their epics defined but Melissa will start with a preliminary list that is expected to change.

  • Product backlogs will be used to identify any overlaps and duplication for Product Owners to evaluate with the objective of the common product backlog to encourage more reuse and decrease duplication.

  • V2X Hub team communicating with Noblis team about misbehavior identification. Hamid mentioned based on ARC-IT functional coverage analysis, lot of processes require this and we need to figure out where this capability resides.

Next Meeting 4/11

Action Items

Action items
