2019-06-13 Meeting notes

2019-06-13 Meeting notes


Jun 13, 2019


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • @Deborah.Curtis

  • @Tony English

  • Vyach Mayorskiy

  • Matt Schwartz

  • Sam Toma

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Aaron Greenwood (Unlicensed)

  • Alexis Zubrow



Discussion topics










Update since Last Week


  • Sudhakar secured a Confluence/Jirra site for OSS4ITS and emails were sent out to everyone with invites.

  • Sheets have been uploaded for people to work on and updated with the four products.

    • Next step will be trying to figure out the potential overlaps

      • Sudhakar hasn’t seen much overlap, mostly it’s between SDC and ODE but they may be complementary.

      • The lack of overlaps is likely due to all the programs operating in different areas at the moment.

        • Is QA of sensor data an overlap across multiple projects when it’s extracted out?

          • Could it be an opportunity to be solved once and be utilized by multiple projects.

          • Aaron is not sure we can find those overlaps by mapping the architecture. It will come up when the code is actually being written. It’s difficult to anticipate what the overlaps will be during a high-level discussion.

            • Tony was surprised at the lack of overlap between V2X Hub and ODE.

        • Scrum of scrums is the forum where we should discuss swim lanes and flush out overlaps and roles of different projects.

    • Next Step

      • Each team will give a 15-20 minute overview of their backlog

        • The other teams will speak up if their are commonalities so that overlaps can be identified.

        • Teams should still update the spreadsheet before presenting so that everyone can get a sense of what the overlaps may be.

  • Deb wants Sudhakar and Sam to work together to put together some of the other project deliverable roadmaps.

  • Sudhakar is talking to STOL confluence admin about linking outside backlogs to the OSS4ITS confluence space.

Action items

People who did not receive an invite to Confluence should to let Sudhakar know
Teams will review the spreadsheet and reach out to share backlogs
Sam and Sudhakar will get together to discuss deliverable roadmaps
