2020-02-12 Meeting notes

2020-02-12 Meeting notes


Feb 12, 2020


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • Aaron Greenwood

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Jayashree Iyengar

  • John Stark

  • Deborah Curtis

  • Tom Lusco

  • Debbie English


  • Discuss actions items from last meeting and current status

Discussion topics










Previous action items


Action item #1: Tony, Sudhakar, Anjan, and Jayashree have reviewed the 4 applications layer 2 draft diagrams and have started integrating them together.

Action item #2: We have not reached out to Tony about work zone data updates for V2X Hub integration. Tabling this items for the moment. This will happen with CARMA Platform integration, and we are still adapting the specs for work zone data. Deb does want to showcase it as one of our premiere implementations of the OSS4ITS concept, so we will revisit this item later.

Status/General Discussion

  • Deb: Where are we on draft webpage language for OSS4ITS?

  • Thomas will be sending to Deb this afternoon or tomorrow.

Deb will work with Michelle Noch to figure out the best location online for it. She wants it reviewed by Ariel/Sam but generally content that has been previously approved can be uploaded immediately.

OSS4ITS social media post for February was pulled, because the landing page for OSS4ITS is not ready yet. Deb would like to post this before SXSW.

Merge with RAD-IT tool:

Tony performed an initial merge for all the layer 2 models, but there were some issues. We worked with Tom to get some workarounds, but not all the data flows came through. We are working on these issues and we will try to perform a merge again.

The only piece that’s missing from CARMA is to change the architecture a little bit to align with the rest of the project.

Deb wants a process in place so that individual architecture changes are reflected in the overall architecture and that all architecture changes are made with consciousness of how they will affect the other projects. Version 1 will be documenting as is processes; later versions of architecture will reflect the upcoming/new changes.


Action items

Thomas to send Deb draft language for OSS4ITS webpage by EOW.
