2020-07-15 Meeting notes

2020-07-15 Meeting notes


Jul 15, 2020


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Tony English

  • Tom Lusco


  • Discuss current status and action items for all projects.

Discussion topics










SET-IT diagram updates


  • Jayashree has updated the SET-IT diagrams as per Tom’s comments fixing the p-objects, and functional objects, and aligning all the text on the information flows. Once Tom reviews them, we can publish them to Confluence.

  • After the team finishes all the as-is updates to the diagrams, we have to start looking at upcoming merge of V2X Hub and ODE next, and start working on to-be diagrams.

DDS Discussion

  • For the CARMA platform, the team is currently in the process of preparing a migration plan for upgrading from ROS1 to ROS2, and ROS2 requires DDS. Looking at different options, and talked to Open Robotics, and they suggested using Cyclone DDS. It is an Eclipse project.

  • That’s the DDS Tom wanted us to look into. Cyclone DDS is good. They are not in version 1 yet and they have not implemented the whole message specs yet. Licensing is expensive. We don’t want to be forced to use it for a research project, but discovery is often handled differently.

  • Is anyone looking at implementing DDS at any standards meetings Tom attends? TC204 is the ITS committee of ISO. They are discussing DDS, but have not done any real work on it. Two versions of DDS were identified – Open DDS and RTI. RTI performs very well, but stops performing sometimes, but has the lowest latency issues. MQTT and AQMP are not very different architecture wise. Every publisher has implemented subscription management and it can do filtering at data publisher, but none of them can handle security well.

  • DDS has a security specification, and has algorithms for encrypting data etc. In ITS scenarios, we cannot use signatures with X.509 certificates; they are too bulky.

  • Has anyone deployed DDS on DSRC or cellular V2X? No, it is only deployed ina lab environment, since there is no interoperability. But it may be able to be deployed for vehicle and between vehicles to infrastructure. Their discovery protocol will have details. SAE needs to adapt this,; the challenge is that it does not do a lot of work in the data layer, and if we can use IDL? To define data, then we can use their protocols. There are a lot of gaps in ITS world. To date, no well-defined spec has come out addressing this. With DDS, there are interoperability struggles and institutional concerns, but it could work well in a closed environment.

  • The team will let Tom know how it works with CARMA, where it is limited to using on the vehicle. Another approach would be to have DDS on vehicle, and have a gateway on OBU, and OBU could subscribe to messages.

  • Once Tom has a working draft of the report about DDS, he will share with the team.


ECS Migration


  • This involves many steps, and it is coming along well. They have moved to .gov domain. Setting up 2-factor authentication. Initially it will be very limited users like USDOT etc. Initially the data will be uploaded mostly via a batch process, offline batch transfers.

  • There is a data ladder tool that CARMA team is looking into which is used for data automation and cleansing.

  • SDC team has an in-grown tool for uploading data to cloud, and they have uploaded up to 20 gig of data. Once data is received, there is raw ingest to a raw folder using lambda functions. If the file is huge, then they use EC2 else they do cloud lambda. After the data is matched up, they use Hadoop to move data from S3 to a relational database. Also there are tools used for publishing like Elastic Search which pulls the data into dashboards for reporting. There is a lot of codebase out there and it is all open source. Sudhakar will reach out to Tony about this.


ODE and V2X Hub Merge


Tony, Sudhakar and Jayashree had a discussion about the upcoming V2X Hub and ODE merge, and identified some needs and overlaps. They are working on getting a backlog of items ready for Deb to prioritize.


ODE Issues


  • New enhancement #12: Dan is working on this issue.

  • Issue #370: John is working on merging the code for ODE.

  • Issue #372: The codebase is available from ISS for the ISS validity portion, and it is in process to be completed. It should be available to us in a couple of weeks.

Action items
