2020-11-04 OSS4ITS Bi-Weekly Status Meeting notes

2020-11-04 OSS4ITS Bi-Weekly Status Meeting notes


Nov 4, 2020


  • @Thomas Bayhi

  • Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • Jayashree Iyengar

  • Tom Lusco

  • Tony English

  • Billy Chupp


  • Status updates for different projects

Discussion topics










Project Updates


  • V2X Hub:

    • Started working on sprint 1 for integration with ODE. The sprint ends next week. We have a few spikes that we are working on in the current sprint that will determine updates to user stories/or new user stories for the backlog.

    • Professor Zhang from Michigan Tech University is working on a project to deploy the RCVW application. Battelle had developed RCVW application on V2I Hub.  He wants to use V2X Hub for a follow on project; his team will be forking a repo and submitting a PR for the work and have two plugins as part of their deployment. We may want to bring in their plugins later, and for now, John Baird needs to add a link so we can reference their repo.

  • CARMA:

    • Sprint 37 currently underway. Recent sprints focused on getting the CARMA core release out. Switched to using MPC from Pure Pursuit algorithm, because the Autoware algorithm was not working well. Going forward with the release and doing verification testing.

    • FMCSA ACE demo: Demonstrating three scenarios at ATEF - sensor failure, control capabilities, and cooperation during inspection checks. Doing verification testing next week and a determination will be made if the demo can take place in December or January. Able to send the status of the vehicle systems on the fly; and hardcoding some driver logs.

    • CARMA Data: For CARMA Analytics work, the request to set up DOT Enterprise Cloud Services architecture was approved and implementation is in progress. By next month will build out solution in ECS for TFHRC Cloud

  • ODE:

    • John Baird is working on pulling release changes into master branch. Once he has completed this, we can perform testing. Currently he is working on Docker compose images for ODE.

  • SDC:

    • Not too many updates on SDC. Still working through transition to phase 3 and finishing post ECS migration activities, and it is going well.

    • In January, we have to start conversations on integrating data from CARMA Cloud to SDC and plan on that. How do we want to go about doing it? We should try to get more information now – do not know of any sensitive or proprietary data, but we should build that out. In January, we have to bring in the technical folks from SDC to discuss transition components.

  • SET-IT:

    • Iteris is working on the final release for updates. Hoping to largely complete it by Friday. Tom will keep us posted.

Action items
