2021-10-06 Bi-weekly Meeting

2021-10-06 Bi-weekly Meeting


Oct 6, 2021


  • @Jayashree Iyengar

  • @Sudhakar Nallamothu

  • @Tony English

  • Brandon F. (SDC)

  • Brandon P. (CDOT/WDOT)


  • Discuss project status and coordination tasks among different projects

Discussion topics










V2X Hub/ODE integration updates


  • The team is working on the security updates for V2X Hub. A few of the tasks that we are currently working in the current Sprint 17 include –

    o   Fixing Sonar Scan memory issues that we have identified from the report. We are starting to fix these issues for each plugin, and are working on the Preemption plugin fixes currently.

    o   Integrating softHSM to authenticate MySQL access via Docker

    o   Creating agnostic class templates in V2X Hub code, to allow developers to integrate security in the plugins

    o   Adding unit tests for the MAP plugin

  • The V2X Hub team is working with Tony and ISS on configuring the single board computers that will run Docker images. Tony is working with the team setting up the single board computers. We will be able to go through the latest messages we have – MAP, SPaT and TIM messages to sign these messages and use test soft certs, once they are working with MySQL.

  • The plan is to develop the custom motherboards eventually. Tony is working with ISS to use production certs for them. We will be using this device at intersections, and can also use with vehicles.

CARMA3 updates

  • The team finished validation testing for the first 4 use cases under CARMA 3 project. All the data is available for analysis. They are working with Volpe and will discussing in a month how to handle this data, and which data they would like to be available to SDC.

  • The focus next will be on the Port Drayage use case development and perform the demo testing at Suntrax, FL in late November/early December timeframe. The team is also working on TSMO arterial use case development.

  • On the data side, we have collected over 9 TB of data, and it does not include data from all the sensors, but it includes LIDAR data and data to be used for data analysis. The processed data size is 3 TB.

  • How much of this data will be made available to SDC? Not all of the raw data is needed by SDC. We will be performing data processing and only a subset of this data will available for research in SDC.

  • The CAV data that is collected is maybe more useful, since contains data from intersections, and includes both human driven and automated vehicle data (it is not a proof of concept data).



WDOT/CDOT updates

  • The PR for MAP message was published. Currently the CDOT team is deploying and testing these changes at 3 live intersections.

  • The PR is getting wrapped up for SRM, and the team is reviewing the changes in jpo-ode repo, and this PR will get submitted to Leidos team for review. The PR for SSM message will also get added for review next week.

  • There are also a few bugfixes and upcoming PR’s for SPaT receiver encoding updates, and a small bugfix for BSM part 2 updates.

  • The team is doing a lot of testing currently with 90 out of 100 RSU’s on the Interstate highways, and 3 test RSU’s on Wentworth?. There is a lof of SPaT data being collected. The team got 80 new vehicles wutg CV2X deployed, and are using DSRC message communications with 25 to 30 RSU’s. They have also borrowed 5 OBU’s from the CAV Equipment loan program to use for DSRC testing.

  • Ready to do the integration on Misbehavior detection testing project and the work that Noblis team is implementing currently. They are finalizing the misbehavior testing report to ISS, and getting ready for TMC to sign. Tony is trying to pushback for Noblis use the ASN.1 encoder/decoder instead of using OSS. They are getting the BSM log files from Ode, which are in ASN format. They should pick this up from the Kafka topic rather than OSS. All the data is in the raw file. We are not sure if the ASN.1 encoder/decoder can work with the signed certificates. ODE  may not be able to decode it.


SDC updates


  • The SDC team will be having a conversation about the data collected by the CARMA platform project. The connection to CARMA Platform has been worked out.  There will be data lake data, and also Redshift data connections will be worked out by then as well. Will be meeting with Sudhakar to hash it out.

  • NYC connected vehicles project – There were some deficiency in the event RedShift table. The data is there but needs to be reloaded into the event table.

  • The development team is working on security assessment activation, and user work statement, security levels, and the types of access that users have.

  • The team is expecting data from the truck platooning project. This keeps getting pushed back, and it maybe delivered perhaps in January.

  • Looking for data options for processing - AWS lambda scripts etc for FRA data.

  • Brandon will talk to Deb about the data agreement that the SDC team has not heard back on. He will send the agreement out again to Sudhakar.

Action items
