Previous CARMA Layer 2

Previous CARMA Layer 2

For CARMA Platform and CARMA Cloud projects, there were 3 SET-IT service packages selected and customized to display the architecture details based on the and main functionalities.

VS16 - CARMA Basic Travel - Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA) Vehicle Operations

This service package shows how CARMA Platform utilizes CDA, and communicates with connected vehicles and DBW vehicles (Drive by wire capable vehicle that CARMA can control), infrastructure devices like V2X Hub and RSE and center equipment (CARMA Cloud). One of the scenarios depicted in this diagrams is the TSMO scenario for basic travel.


VS04 - V2V CARMA TIM Emergency Vehicle Response

This service package shows how the CARMA Platform communicates with other connected vehicles and DBW vehicles for the TSMO scenario for Traffic Incident Response, so that the vehicles can receive, process and analyze the request broadcasted from an emergency vehicle, and move out of the way of the emergency vehicle.


VS09 - CARMA Workzone CDA Vehicle

This service package shows how the CARMA Platform communicates with connected vehicles, DBW vehicles, infrastructure devices and center equipment for the TSMO scenario for Work Zone Management. The CARMA Platform receives and processes the work zone data messages from TMC via CARMA Cloud. These messages will be disseminated by V2X Hub via the RSE to CARMA Platform.