Interface Schema Change Procedure
Standard Operating Procedure
With the ODE deployment at a CV Pilot site (WYDOT) and publication of CV data to CVPEP and RDE to the public and the research community, a tighter control should be exerted to change requests that result in altering the data schema and deviating from the published version of the schema. Documentation of the interface and the actual interface must be maintained in sync with each other so it does not cause confusion in the mind of the user community. Changes to the schema may cause user applications that rely on the ODE data to stop working if necessary modifications to those applications are not coordinated.
Proposed Solution
A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is needed to identify, assess, approve, implement and deploy interface schema change requests. The SOP will govern the coordination among data sources, ODE, and data consumers. Figure below illustrates the activities that will take place under this SOP. The step shown in the diagram are explained in the following paragraphs.
1) User requests ODE Interface Schema Change
User requests a new data element to be added to the ODE interface schema. User presents the justification for the request by articulating a clear business case, priority and time frame within which the change is required. The request must be made via GitHub issue tracking tool.
2) ODE Team assesses Schema Change Request
ODE team evaluates the change request and prepares a report to be presented to the Product Owner (PO) and Stakeholders. The report will include the nature of the change (new metadata field, payload filed, etc.), impact analysis, and the level of effort. ODE team will produce a document detailing the interface changes ready for development teams to consider and assess.
3) ODE Team presents Schema Change to Product Owner and Stakeholders
ODE team will deliver the report to the PO and present it to the stakeholder community. ODE team will implement the action items produced from the change request briefing session.
4) Product Owner considers Schema Change
PO reviews the updated change request report and approves, rejects or requests additional clarification.
5) Plan Implementation
Upon approval of the change request, ODE team convenes meetings with workstream teams and plans the details of the implementation. ODE team manages and coordinates the implementation. Detailed final interface change documentation is prepared and delivered to workstream teams.
6) Multi-workstream Schema Change Implementation
Workstream teams commence implementation. Strong emphasis is given to clearly documenting, publishing and informing the community of the upcoming change.
7) Deploy to TEST
Following the change request plan from step 5, workstream teams collaborate and deploy the changes to their respective TEST environments.
8) Integration Testing and UAT
Following the change request plan from step 5, workstream teams collaborate and fully test the changes to their respective TEST environments. Upon any test failure, the processes is returned to Step 6 and the workstream teams work together to identify root cause and correct the problem.
9) Plan Deployment to PROD
Upon successful completion of the Integration tests and UAT, ODE team convenes meetings with workstream teams and plans the deployment to PROD environments. ODE team manages and coordinates the deployment to PROD.
10) Deploy to PROD Environment
Upon success of the integration testing, the changes will be deployed to the Production environments according to the subscribe plan from Step 5.