ODE Terminology & Dictionary

ODE Terminology & Dictionary

ODE Acronyms

1ASNAbstract Syntax Notation
2AVAutonomous Vehicles
3BSMBasic Safety Messages
4CVConnected Vehicle
5ITSIntelligent Transportation System
6JPOJoint Program Office
7MAWMotorists Advisories and Warnings
8OBUOn-Board Unit
9ODEOperational Data Environment
10PDMProbe Data Management
11PVDProbe Vehicle Data
12RDEResearch Data Exchange
13RSURoadside Unit
14SCMSSecurity Certificate Management System
15SDWSituation Data Warehouse
16SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
17TIMTraveler Information Message
18TMCTraffic Message Channel
19TMSTraffic Management System
20UMLUnified Modeling Language
21V2IVehicle to Infrastructure
22V2VVehicle to Vehicle


Velocity is the average amount of work a scrum team completes during a sprint. Velocity is measured in either story points or hours, and is very useful for forecasting.


The number of defects found during development and after code is released.

Test Coverage

The amount of automated test coverage.

Continuous Improvement

Retrospective action items completed.


The team, product owner, scrum master, customers and stakeholders are conducting open and honest communications. 

Team’s Adherence to Scrum Standard Operating Procedures

The Standard Operating Procedures provides a guide for consistent practices that will help the team grow in its agile practices.

Technical Debt Management  

Managing the known problems and issues delivered at the end of the sprint. Technical Debt is usually measured by the number of bugs, but may also include deliverables such as training material, user documentation and delivery media.

Quality Delivered to Client and Collaborators

By surveying or meeting with the client and collaborators we can determine if  we are building the product the customer needs. Ensure that every sprint provide value to client and become a potentially releasable piece of the product.

Actual Stories Completed vs. Committed Stories

An Agile team maturity is often measured by the team’s ability to understand and predict its capabilities. The teams ability to accurately predict how many stories they will be able to complete during Sprint Planning and most importantly that they finish what they committed to complete.