Work Accomplished/Completed
- Conducted discussions with the SDC team on the subject of transition from CVPEP to SDC environment
- Held a technical kick-off meeting between the SDC and CVPEP teams
- Provided documentation and knowledge transfer to the SDC team
- On Active Directory configuration
- On Guacamole configuration
- On the CVPEP System layout and data flow
- Shared System Administration and Independent Evaluators User Guides
- Defined the high level timeline for the transition (3.5 2-week sprints starting now)
- Participated in the SDC sprint planning for technical discussion of specific migration items
- Data warehouse is now operational on schedule
- WYDOT Firehose ingest issue has been resolved
- Helped to troubleshoot and identify configuration mismatch
Work-items To Be Completed
- Investigation to enable Geospatial Queries against Data Warehouse
Work-items to Demo