Equipment Loan Program

Equipment Loan Program


The CAV Support Services (CAVSS) offers an Equipment Loan Program that provides deployers with the opportunity to borrow and test connected vehicle (CV) equipment from vendors to ensure these devices will work with their existing infrastructure. In addition to CV equipment, specialized equipment is also available for loan. The Equipment Loan Program also provides support and equipment for testing activities at the STOL testbed.

The CAVSS Program seeks to spur innovation among early adopters of CV application concepts using best available and emerging technologies. By allowing potential adopters of CV technology to familiarize themselves with the equipment options for deployment, users have the opportunity to explore their options and learn more about how the technology works in conjunction with CAV.

Deployers can borrow equipment in 30-day increments with the ability to extend the loan if there is no other request for the equipment. Equipment can be borrowed, shipped to deployers, and returned to the program free of charge. Agencies can expect to receive equipment from the program within a month.


Users can submit an equipment loan request by submitting a ticket at the online help desk. The following types of CV equipment are available for loan:

Siemens RSU


A transceiver that is mounted along a road or pedestrian passageway that broadcasts data to OBUs or receives data from OBUs in its communications zone. The CAV Support Services Equipment Loan Program offers both dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) RSUs and cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) RSUs from a variety of manufacturers.

Danlaw OBU

A device located on or integrated within vehicles to collect the vehicle’s data and/or provide an interface through which ITS services can be provided, e.g. tolls, navigation, and travel information. An OBU continuously transmits vehicle data in the form of Basic Safety Messages (BSMs) to other vehicles, RSUs, infrastructure, and devices. The CAV Support Services Equipment Loan Program offers both dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) OBUs and cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) OBUs from a variety of manufacturers.


The following applications are available on a select number of our OBUs:

  • BSW - Blind Spot Warning

  • EEBL - Electronic Emergency Brake Light

  • IMA - Intersection Movement Assist

  • WWE - Wrong Way Entry

  • TTG - Time To Green

  • FCW - Forward Collision Warning

  • RLV - Red Light Violation

  • SW - Speeding Warning

  • PCW - Pedestrian Collision Warning

Traffic Signal Controller

Hardware designed to provide real-time visualization and logging of traffic signal phase and timing information to vehicles approaching signalized intersections.


Hardware (equipped on vehicles) that enables vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication using DSRC or C-V2X radios.

To request more information regarding the Equipment Loan Program, deployers can email CAVSupportServices@dot.gov.


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