Does the HSM module modify the duration of the TIM message?
Yes. In the new implementation the certificate lengths are variable.
Someone needs to reach to ISS to find out what the values are for these certificates.
How long do we want TIM messages to be valid? Resolved.
That part should get sent out for testing.
One additional bug is being submitted. SDC is looking at moving from AWS public cloud to ECS government cloud
New requirement that static keys are no longer allowed.
It will require writing a dynamic key which will involve reaching out to AWS
Tony will write a script in Python as well
Jayashree fixed CARMA issues in layer 2 and generated layer 1s again.
Sudhakar is reviewing from bottom up. There are issues with some of the flow definitions. IE DSRC messages having encryption and acknowledgement turned on.
When Jayashree finishes the layer 2 changes, Tony will do a final review of layer 2 for SDC and ODE
V2X Hub - ODE integration is waiting for a contract mod, but other things like TSMO and CARMA Freight can be integrated now
Moving to ECS government cloud is the biggest change. It’s still in flux.
Should be toward the end of the year
Some discussion of changing data from pushing to pulling