This video gives instruction on how to set up a roadside unit, also known as an RSU. By the end of this video, you will understand the different parts of an RSU, how to mount an RSU, how to connect an RSU to other roadside equipment, and how to connect a computer to send status check commands.
Video 2: Onboard Unit (OBU)
This video gives instruction on how to set up an Onboard Unit, commonly known as an OBU. By the end of this video, you will understand the different parts of an OBU, how to configure and check the status of an OBU, and how to mount an OBU into a vehicle.
Video 3: Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Hub
This video gives instruction on how to set up a V2X Hub. By the end of this video, you will be able to download and use V2X Hub on your device.
Video 4: CAVe-in-a-box
This video gives an overview of our completed Connected and Automated education (CAVe)-In-a-Box testing and educational tool kit.
Video 5: Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) and MAP Messages
This video gives instruction on how to set up a SPaT, or Signal Phase and Timing, and MAP messages.
Video 6: Traffic Management Center (TMC)
Coming Soon
Video 7: Maintenance
Coming Soon
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